Apple refuses to back GOP convention because of Trump politics

Despite having provided aid in the past, Apple is withholding financial and technological support from this year's Republican presidential convention — owing to controversial positions by candidate Donald Trump, a report claimed on Saturday.

The company privately told Republicans it won't offer support because of Trump's comments on minorities, women, and immigrants, according to two Politico sources. The website didn't say whether the topic of Trump's direct criticisms of Apple came up in discussions.

In January, Trump promised to make Apple manufacture its products in the U.S. instead of overseas. A month later, he suggested people should boycott Apple unless it backed down in its fight with the Department of Justice over unlocking the iPhone of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook.

Later on it was found that Trump's Twitter account was still being updated from an iPhone, and that he owned over $1 million in Apple shares.

Google, Facebook, and Microsoft are still supporting this year's GOP convention, despite having sometimes expressed their own concerns about Trump. Apple has traditionally curried favor by backing both Democratic and Republican conventions — in 2008, for instance, it supplied roughly $140,000 in MacBooks and other materials to the two parties. It skipped 2012, when the Democrats decided against taking corporate donations for their event.

Opposition to Trump may be steep at Apple. In March, stopping his presidential run was allegedly the main topic of discussion in a meeting with GOP representatives attended by Apple CEO Tim Cook and other tech industry figures, as well as various financial giants and politicians.

This weekend is proving an unusually political one for Apple, as Lisa Jackson — the company's VP Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives — said she will be speaking at the Bay Area Women's Summit on June 21. Many other prominent figures will be at the event, like the mayors of San Francisco and Oakland, U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios, and senior advisor to President Obama Valerie Jarrett.

Inside watchOS 3: New 'Breathe' app for Apple Watch reminds you to relax, focus

In addition to reminding you to stand and walk throughout the day, watchOS 3 will also prompt Apple Watch users to take a minute to relax, focus and meditate with a new app dubbed "Breathe."

Breathe is an all-new app found in watchOS 3. Upon updating, the default settings will have Breathe prompt a user to have a focused breathing session every four hours.

The app guides users through a series of deep breaths, intended to help manage everyday stress. By default, the app offers a one-minute session of seven breaths, but these can be extended to longer sessions, and breathing can be slowed to four breaths per minute, or expanded to ten per minute.

When a Breathe notification pops up, users can either begin a session or choose to snooze it. A dedicated Breathe app on the app screen — as well as a new Breathe complication that can be added to watch faces — also allow users to start a session whenever they choose.

Once users begin, the app informs them to "be still and bring attention to your breath." A series of circles on the Apple Watch display gradually expand, accompanied by taptic feedback on the wrist, letting the user know to slowly inhale.

The use of feedback in the app can allow users to focus on their breathing and following along with their eyes closed, without a need to look at the app on their wrist.

The circles on the Apple Watch face then gradually contract as the user exhales along with the Breathe app. In the default settings, this will repeat seven times over one minute.

Once the session is completed, users are presented with a summary screen that lets them know how many Breathe sessions they have completed so far today, and what their heart rate was measured at during the last session. There's also a "Breathe Again" button that allows users to continue, if they choose.

watchOS 3 is a free update for all Apple Watch owners that will arrive this fall. It's currently available in beta for for developers to test.

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